Product divisions
Tre divisioni di prodotto INiziative Conciarie ASsociate per coprire la richiesta di pellami di alta qualità per le varie destinazioni d’uso.

INCAS is renowned worldwide thanks to its vegetable tanning process characterized by unique technical and qualitative features that are also environmentally friendly.
Our vegetable leather is most commonly used to produce footwear and leather goods, thanks to a highly varied product catalogue and the opportunity to develop customized articles upon specific customer requests.

ITALTAN division specializes in the production of leather for garments and calf leather with hair. ITALTAN range of high-quality leather meets the different manufacturing needs for footwear, leather goods, and garments.
The high technology employed by our R&D laboratories has enabled us to develop leather of extreme softness and brightness.
Baby calves, half calves, buffaloes, kangaroos, and lambs are the foundations on which Italtan has built its position as a reference for the major world brands.

Il Veliero processes and produces a high-protein line characterized by a reduced release of amines from chrome-tanned side calves. Il Veliero line is certified by ICEC as “100% Italian leather,” starting its production process from (wet salted) rawhides.
Our leather is fuller, rounder, rubberier, more elastic, and with superior fine grain. Our “High-protein Line” employs considerable resting time for skins in Wet blue (90 days) in very rigorous storage conditions so that it can fully complete the olation process on the skins.